

Facelifts in Smithtown, Long Island

The Gold Standard in Facial Rejuvenation in Suffolk county

Of all the facial rejuvenation procedures, facelift surgery offers the most comprehensive results because it addresses several common signs of aging that occur in the middle and lower facial areas. These concerns include sagging skin on the cheeks and chin, noticeable creases and wrinkles, jowls and sunken or hollow cheeks.

In the right hands, facelift surgery can turn back the clock on your facial appearance. Having completed years of advanced training in facial rejuvenation, Dr. Lloyd Landsman is the plastic surgeon Suffolk County & Nassau County patients trust for natural-looking and beautiful results. The doctor understands that the key to facelift surgery is to make carefully planned and expertly executed improvements to the face. This allows patients to look like a younger and more beautiful version of themselves.

Who Is a Candidate for Facelift?

Ideal candidates for facelift are individuals with one or more of the following signs of aging:

  • Loose, excess skin on the face, cheek and neck areas
  • Creases along the lower eyelids
  • Creases along the nose to the corners of the mouth
  • Displaced or fallen fat
  • Loss of healthy skin tone
  • Excess fat deposits underneath the chin and jawline
  • Wrinkles and fine lines on the middle and lower facial areas
  • Cords or bands on the neck

Dr. Landsman meets with each patient individually to get a good understanding of his or her aesthetic needs and concerns. He also thoroughly evaluates the patient’s facial structure. Depending on this information, Dr. Landsman may recommend performing facelift lift alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as brow lift, eyelid surgery or fat grafting. Or he may determine that the patient is better suited for Mini Face Lift, a less invasive alternative to the standard facelift procedure.

Facelift Procedure Details

Standard facelift is performed as an outpatient procedure, under general anesthesia. Dr. Landsman creates tiny incisions along the inside of the hairline and continuing down to the ears. The doctor will then remove excess fat and reposition the underlying tissue to create a more proportional appearance. Loose, hanging skin is excised while the remaining skin is carefully lifted for a smoother and tighter (though not overly tight) appearance. If necessary, Dr. Landsman will address the neckline by removing unwanted fat and skin.

Facelift Recovery & Results

Patients should focus on resting for the first few days after their surgery, relying on a loved one or caretaker to handle driving and cooking. They may take prescribed pain medication to minimize lingering discomfort.

Bruising and swelling can be significant in the initial days, though these side effects will gradually subside. Most patients feel and look well enough to return to work within two weeks. Dr. Landsman will schedule periodic appointments to check on the patient’s progress and remove the sutures after a couple weeks.

Most patients see the complete results settle after a few months. Facial rejuvenation achieved through facelift surgery can last 10 years or more before the aging process undoes some of its effects. To maximize the results, Dr. Landsman recommends using quality skin care products and avoiding sun exposure.

Although scarring is an inevitable part of facelift surgery, Dr. Landsman is careful to make incisions along the hairline where scarring is easily concealed. Most scars fade from visibility over time.

Define Your Beauty

About Mini Face Lift

A Mini Face Lift addresses signs of aging on the middle and lower facial areas as well as the upper neck but involves less downtime than traditional facelift. It is most appropriate for patients with mild to moderate skin laxity in the lower cheeks, jaw line and underneath the chin. The procedure is generally performed under light anesthesia and involves making fewer incisions than traditional facelift. During a Mini Face Lift, Dr. Landsman will remove excess skin and fat from the target areas and lift the skin.

Schedule a Complimentary Facelift Consultation with Dr. Landsman

To find out if cheek or chin implants can rejuvenate your facial appearance, please schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Landsman. To contact his New York office, please call today.

Facelift Costs

The price for facelift typically falls in the $10,000 to $13,000 range. The exact price differs from patient to patient. During the consultation, Dr. Landsman examines the face to determine the extent of the surgery necessary to achieve the desired results and can then provide a complete price breakdown for facelift.

Because it is an elective surgery, facelift is not covered by insurance. However, Dr. Landsman’s office offers financing options to patients who would like to make payments toward their surgery.

Facelift FAQs

When is the best time to get facelift surgery?

You should seek facelift surgery at the point when you want to make a lasting change to your facial appearance. For some, that means in their forties to touch up early wrinkles and lines with mini facelift. Others wait until their fifties and sixties to improve more significant signs of aging. No decision on timing is wrong; it is simply a matter of preference. 

How does neck lift differ from facelift?

Neck lift is included as part of most facelift surgeries that Dr. Landsman performs. While neck lift focuses exclusively on the neck, facelift addresses the lines and wrinkles on the lower portion of the face in addition to neck laxity. Patients who are primarily concerned with the excess skin and fat beneath the chin may discuss neck lift with Dr. Landsman during a consultation.  

Should I consider non-surgical alternatives to facelift?

Injectable treatments like Botox and fillers can achieve some of the changes possible with facelift, though you should be aware that the results tend to be temporary and less dramatic. While it is a good solution if you prefer a less invasive treatment, if you know you want long-lasting and higher-quality results, facelift surgery is the better option.

Why should I choose Dr. Landsman for Facial Cosmetic Surgery?

The best facelift results are attained by expert surgeons like Dr. Landsman who have developed advanced techniques. With over 25 years of experience and degrees from elite schools and board certification, Dr. Landsman has earned his patients’ trust and an excellent reputation. 

Other Facial Rejuvenation Options

Patients who seek to rejuvenate the upper facial area in addition to the middle and lower parts, may benefit from brow lift. Brow lift treats sagging skin on the brow that often creates a concerned or frustrated appearance. The procedure also treats deeply set forehead wrinkles and creases, including “furrows.” Dr. Landsman is careful to lift the skin to a youthful and more natural position on the forehead to avoid an “overly pulled” or unnatural look. Brow lift can be combined with eyelid surgery to restore a well-rested and younger-looking appearance to the upper facial and eye area.