Cosmetic Procedures for an Hourglass Figure

Many women who come to Dr. Lloyd Landsman’s practice wish to achieve a classic hourglass silhouette, which is marked by a generous bust, curvaceous lower body and a well-defined waistline. Dr. Landsman works with each patient individually to create a personalized treatment plan that achieves their desired goals.

Here, he discusses the cosmetic procedures he offers for an attractive hourglass shape.


A defined waistline is a hallmark of the classic hourglass shape. For this reason, many cosmetic treatments aimed at achieving an hourglass figure include liposuction. Unwanted pockets of fat in the midsection, including the abdomen, can be removed to create a more slender waistline. Dr. Landsman can use a number of liposuction techniques to sculpt the waist, including SmartLipo and liposculpture.

It is important to note that liposuction does not treat loose skin. Women who want to further flatten their abdomen by addressing loose skin and separated abdominal muscles can benefit from combining liposuction with tummy tuck.

Breast Augmentation

The breast-to-waist proportion is important as larger breasts can make the waistline appear slimmer. Traditional breast augmentation uses silicone gel or saline implants to boost the size and shape of small or deflated breasts.

Women who desire a modest breast increase may benefit from breast augmentation with fat transfer. This technique involves removing extra fat from one body area (e.g., the abdomen, back, waist or thighs) and re-injecting it into the breasts. Women who desire an hourglass figure can remove fat from the waist to create a narrower midsection and fuller breasts.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A full and shapely buttocks provides beautiful lower body curves that complement a narrow waist and voluptuous bust.

Brazilian butt lift is a fat grafting procedure often used on women who want an hourglass figure. It uses donor fat from another body area to add fullness and shape to the buttocks. Because of its body contouring benefits, Brazilian butt lift is often thought of as a “2-in-1” procedure.

Contact Dr. Landsman

Dr. Landsman can help you achieve the hourglass figure you have always wanted. To schedule a personal consultation, please contact his Long Island practice today.