More Baby Boomers Seek Cosmetic Procedures as They Re-Enter Dating Scene

More than 20 million baby boomers use online dating websites. Re-entering the dating scene after a divorce or the death of a spouse can be an intimidating experience, however, especially since the online dating world is characterized by snap judgments based largely on people’s appearance.

Consequently, more baby boomers are seeking cosmetic procedures to enhance the way they look and boost their confidence.

The goal is not to look like they are in their 20s again, though. Baby boomers just want to look as good on the outside as they feel on the inside.

Below, Lloyd D. Landsman, MD, talks more about the types of procedures baby boomers get as they re-enter the dating scene.

Popular Cosmetic Procedures Among Baby Boomers

To put their best face forward, baby boomers are seeking a range of cosmetic procedures, including both minimally invasive treatments and surgeries with significant downtime.

Here are some of the more popular procedures among baby boomers:


To improve the contour of their bodies, many baby boomers get liposuction, a process that removes stubborn fat cells from localized areas to create a tighter, more sculpted appearance.

Liposuction can be performed on a variety of areas, including the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, back and upper arms.

Hair transplant

Performed mostly on men, this procedure removes a section of hair-bearing skin from the back of a patient’s head and moves it to another section that has thinning or no hair.

Breast augmentation

As women age, their breasts may lose volume and sag, especially if they have gone through pregnancy and breastfeeding. Breast augmentation restores lost volume and enhances the size and fullness of patients’ breasts.

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery is highly popular among baby boomers. The procedure reduces bags and removes excess fat and skin from patients’ eyelids, providing them with a more youthful appearance.


Botox works to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the underlying muscles. Botox can also be used to treat certain health issues, including migraines.

Dermal fillers

Filler injections smooth and restore fullness to areas of a person’s face. Fillers are most commonly used to volumize and define the cheeks, lips, jawline and temples.

Schedule a Plastic Surgery Appointment

To discuss your options and learn more about the procedures that can help you achieve your goals, call or email Lloyd D. Landsman, MD.