Signs You Can Benefit from Fat Transfer

Thanks to advances in plastic surgery, patients have more options than ever when it comes to enhancing their appearance. Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, has become an increasingly popular cosmetic procedure because it offers the double benefit of slimming one body area while augmenting another. The procedure involves harvesting fat cells from one body area and re-injecting them to another body area that lacks volume. Dr. Lloyd Landsman, a talented plastic surgeon in Long Island, has helped thousands of men and women augment the breasts, buttocks and facial features using fat transfer.

Here, Dr. Landsman reveals signs that you could benefit from the procedure.

You Have Unwanted Fatty Deposits

In order to be eligible for fat transfer, you must have a sufficient supply of donor fat to harvest from one or more body areas. Common donor areas include the abdomen, thighs, hips and back. Following fat transfer, these areas are slimmer and more sculpted than before. If you are thin and have very little body fat, you may be better suited to an alternative procedure that uses implants or dermal fillers to augment body areas.

You Desire the Most-Natural-Looking Results

Although today’s body and facial implants are remarkably natural-looking, they cannot fully replace the look and feel of natural tissue. If obtaining the most natural-looking results is very important to you, fat transfer may be the best option. With fat transfer, you do not have to worry about your results looking or feeling fake or unnatural, because only your natural tissue will be used to augment the target area. In addition, Dr. Landsman strategically injects the donor fat into specific points in order to create results that are both natural-looking and beautiful.

You Have Sunken or Hollow Facial Contours

Facial fat transfer is a great choice if you are bothered by hollow or sunken facial areas but prefer to avoid undergoing a surgical procedure or desire results that last longer than those produced via dermal fillers. While facelift is highly effective at restoring lost volume and creating more youthful contours, it does involve surgery, inherent risks and downtime. Fat transfer is a more minimally invasive procedure and requires a few injection points that heal quickly.

Fat transfer can also be used to fill in lines and wrinkles for a smoother and more youthful facial appearance.

You Want a Subtle Boost in Breast Size

As for breast augmentation, fat transfer may be a great option if you desire a modest increase in bust size. During fat transfer, Dr. Landsman will create small injection points or incisions to inject the fat. Because the incisions made during fat transfer are smaller than those used to place breast implants, scarring is minimized and recovery is faster.

Dr. Landsman may also recommend breast augmentation with fat transfer if you have thin skin and sparse breast tissue that cannot properly support breast implants.

Learn More About Fat Transfer

The only way to find out if fat transfer is right for your cosmetic needs and goals is to speak with a board certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Landsman. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Landsman, please contact our Long Island office today.

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