What Causes Underarm Sag, and How to Get Rid of It

Sagging underarm skin, also known as “bat wings,” plagues many people as they get older. Shapeless upper arms can be embarrassing and may stop you from wearing clothing that accentuates the arms. Some people with sagging upper arm skin experience chafing, rashes and even skin infections from the tissues rubbing together. Dr. Lloyd Landsman is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 25 years of experience in Smithtown. He can give your arms a more toned appearance with brachioplasty (arm lift). 

Causes of Underarm Sag 

Loose, sagging skin under the arms may happen after weight loss, due to natural aging or as an unfortunate result of your genetics. Women are especially prone to hold onto fat in their thighs, hips, and upper arms, which can worsen the appearance of sagging skin. Your skin relies on collagen and elastin for a smooth, taut contour, but your body produces less and less of these proteins as part of the natural aging process.

Getting older diminishes your muscle tone and often makes shedding extra pounds more difficult. While you can lose weight to improve underarm “flab” and slim down through diet and exercise, there is no way to restore the youthful elasticity in your skin. Overweight older adults are more likely to experience sagging skin in the upper arms. 

Brachioplasty removes the excess skin and stubborn fat deposits that are causing your underarm sag. 

What an Arm Lift Can Do for Your Underarms 

The brachioplasty procedure removes loose skin and fatty tissue in the upper arms, and the underlying tissues are tightened to eliminate underarm sag. The arm lift procedure eliminates the excess skin and fat from your armpit to your elbow, and Dr. Landsman strategically places the incisions in areas for minimal visible scarring. You can enjoy sculpted upper arms that you are excited to show off in sleeveless clothing. If your skin has good elasticity, liposuction may accomplish your cosmetic goals without brachioplasty.

You do not have to be embarrassed by large upper arms and sagging underarm skin any longer. An arm lift provides a slimmer appearance so you can enjoy all types of clothing and eliminate skin issues caused by the tissues rubbing together. 

Schedule Your Arm Lift Consultation in Smithtown 

Dr. Landsman has given many patients a sculpted appearance with brachioplasty and has decades of experience providing superior results with world-class patient care. Schedule your consultation with our Long Island plastic surgeon by email or calling (631) 864-4111.