Signs a Woman May Need Breast Augmentation Revision

Modern breast implants are designed and manufactured to be incredibly strong and durable. However, like any other medical device, they may need to be replaced at some point. The procedure to replace one or both breast implants is known as breast augmentation revision or simply breast revision surgery. Here, Dr. Lloyd Landsman, respected Long Island breast surgeon, reveals some of the signs that a woman may need breast augmentation revision.... Read More

Tips for Choosing Breast Implants that Look and Feel Natural

Breast augmentation can truly change a woman’s life. In addition to the obvious aesthetic benefits, women that have implants placed usually notice that their self-confidence skyrockets. Having larger, fuller breasts may mean the difference between feeling embarrassed or ashamed and feeling sexy and feminine. To get great breast augmentation results, it’s crucial to select the right implants. In this post, trusted breast augmentation surgeon Lloyd Landsman offers his best tips... Read More

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