Who Is the Ideal Candidate for Brazilian Butt Lift?

While butt implants used to be the procedure of choice for patients who wanted to enhance their buttocks, once Brazilian butt lift (BBL) became more widely available, it quickly became the more popular option. BBL is a fat grafting technique that borrows fat cells from one part of the body and reinserts them into the butt cheeks. Here, plastic surgeon Lloyd Landsman discusses who is a good candidate for the procedure.  

Someone Who Would Like a More Voluminous Butt

Having a full, round butt is considered attractive by contemporary standards. With that in mind, some people may not be content having buttocks that are small, flat or otherwise unnoticeable even in tight pants. Patients who want to boost their appearance or gain self-confidence with a more voluminous butt are generally well suited for BBL.

Someone Who Has Extra Fat Elsewhere on the Body

The most important prerequisite for fat transfer is having an area from which that fat can be harvested. Many patients have unwanted fat to spare in sections like the abdomen or thighs, but that is not always the case. If a patient is particularly thin and lacks fat to donate to the buttocks, then this surgery is not likely to be successful.

Someone Who Is in Good Health

Although BBL is cosmetic in nature, it is still surgery. If a patient has underlying health factors that make it risky to perform surgery, then an elective surgery may not be the right choice. Dr. Landsman reviews his patients’ medical histories to ensure they are good candidates.

It is also important that patients not smoke. Smoking can prolong the recovery period and lead to unnecessary complications. Dr. Landsman advises that smokers interested in plastic surgery quit cigarettes and vaping as soon as possible before their procedures to achieve the best outcomes.

Someone Who Is Willing to Adjust His or Her Habits During Recovery

To allow the buttocks to heal after surgery, patients receive specific instructions to sleep on their stomachs and avoid sitting down for prolonged periods in the weeks (and ideally months) following surgery. For obvious reasons, this can be uncomfortable and take a certain amount of discipline. Patients who cannot imagine not sitting — particularly those who need to drive a lot — may want to discuss this concern with their surgeon.

Meet with Dr. Landsman

While these are ideal qualities for a BBL patient to have, not everyone will fit this mold exactly. Dr. Landsman has helped patients of different ages, ethnicities and sizes to achieve a more attractive backside with BBL. If you are interested in learning more about what this surgery can do for you, Dr. Landsman is happy to assess you for candidacy during a consultation. Call (631) 864-4111 today to set up a meeting.